Friday, January 23, 2015


A couple of weeks ago Jordan Dyck led the Junior Youth in a Bible study comparing things and exploring the idea of "equal in value, difference in role." He talked about how when we describe something as better we need to understand what our pre-existing assumptions are. In the next few weeks at Senior Youth, I want to explore some questions that may be tough to answer.

January 28 - Bible Study - Valuable? - What am I worth to God?
February 4 - Bible Study - Valuable? - What is God worth to me?

I'd like to invite you to ponder these questions as we lead up to these two bible studies, and ask God to reveal to you through his word what you're worth to him!

In Junior Youth for the next couple weeks, this is what's happening:

January 30 - Skating and Sledding at Altona Park
February 6 - No Youth (due to Church Retreat)

Thanks for stopping by! My prayer is that God will continue to reveal to you how much he values and loves you! May you experience his peace, love, and presence this week!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jan 21 & 23

The next couple weeks at BMC Youth!

Senior Youth
Jan 21 - Skating and Sledding at Altona Park - Meet at the Church at 7, or the Park at 7:30!
Jan 28 - Bible Study with Gerry

Junior Youth
Jan 23 - Pizza Bake-off! Come at 6:30, bring your best pizza making skills and creative ideas. This will be fun!
Jan 30 - Skating and Sledding at Altona Park!

*Note: THERE WILL NOT BE A WORSHIP NIGHT ON JANUARY 23. Due to the MCI, W. C. Miller, and CMU concert happening the same night.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

It's a New Year!

Sorry that I haven't been more consistent with updating this blog between September and Now. It's been a busy couple of months, and the next few look to be about the same, although I am going to attempt to keep more on top of this for you guys!

Updates for the next week will go out on Fridays on Facebook. The Senior Youth Facebook group is called 'BMC Youth' and the Junior Youth Facebook group is called 'BMC Jr Youth'. I'll try to post the Calendar up to March as soon as I have that typed up. For now though, here's what's happening this month!

Senior Youth:

7 - Mexico Sharing
14 - Small Group Night (Each small group leader is in charge of planning this night and will contact you if you are in their group about what's happening.)
21 - Skating/Sledding at Altona Park
23 - Junior and Senior Youth Worship Night in the Church Sanctuary
28 - Bible Study - Gerry

Junior Youth:

9 - Bible Study - Jo
16-18 - Junior Youth Retreat (contact myself (204-362-7262) or Kristen (204-304-0971) for more details
23 - Junior and Senior Youth Worship Night in the Church Sanctuary
30 - Sledding at Altona Park

*note: This schedule may change. I will update Facebook on Youth Nights before 6 pm if a change is necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to hear some encouraging things about your kids, please contact me. I'd love to talk to you!

Office: 204-327-5208 | Cell: 204-362-7262 | Email:

Happy New Year! See you soon!