Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summer Update with a question!

Hey Guys! Hope your summer is going well, and you're taking advantage of all the free time that you have to spend time with God in his word! He's amazing, he'll change your life!

My summer has been full of family, friends, fishing, attending a conference, meeting with people, thinking and praying about what God wants for Junior and Senior Youth in Fall, and spending a lot of time with him! In his word, prayer, fasting, and worship! God is so good guys! I'm excited to be able to finally share and hang out with all of you again in Fall!

I want your input! Parents and youth.

What is the best way for me to communicate with you about what's happening for youth?
a) Facebook updates?
b) Blog posts?
c) Phone calls?
d) A Google Calendar that you can access?
e) A newsletter sent home a few times a year?

What is the best way I can update you all in regards to cancellations due to weather, or other unforeseen circumstances?
a) Facebook updates?
b) Blog posts?
c) Phone calls?
d) A Google Calendar that you can access?
e) A newsletter sent home a few times a year?

Please comment on this post, or on facebook and let me know which way works best for you, I want everyone to know what's happening!

God loves each one of you, he sent Jesus so that your sins could be destroyed and you could be redeemed to right-standing and relationship with him. That relationship is one of rest, not of striving, because if we try to make it about what we do in order to receive the free gift he's already given us, then we're deceived about the truth! God is good. He loves you. He's forgiven your sins through Jesus. All you have to do is believe that Jesus is real and he did what he said he did. His love for you is unstoppable! Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Overdue Update!

What's coming up!

Senior Youth:
May 7 - Pan Am Pool - Leaving from Church at 6:15pm, back at 11pm. Bring $$ for swimming and a snack after. $10-15 will be enough.
May 14 - Bible Study
May 21 - Ty Franz
May 28 - Worship Night in Altona Park with Jordan St. Cyr.

June 4 - Grad Blessing (Meal for Grad's and Youth Leaders at 6pm)
June 11 - Windup at Nickel's Beach!

Junior Youth:
Junior Youth is over, but...

June 11 - Grade 8's are invited to Senior Youth Windup at Nickel's Beach! Directions TBA.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Junior Youth Happenings!

Upcoming events:

April 18 - Good Friday (NO YOUTH)
April 25 - Bible Study

What up Next?

Senior Youth:

April 16 - Siloam Mission (No Youth at Youth Center)
April 23 - Bible Study by Kendra!
April 30 - Bible Study by Gerry

May 7 - Pan Am Pool
May 14 - Bible Study
May 21 - Altona Worship Night (Tentative)
May 28 - Outdoor Games Evening!

June 4 - Grad Blessing
June 11 - Youth Windup (Grade 8's invited!)

Friday, March 28, 2014

God's word is alive!!!!!!!

Food for thought

Deuteronomy 8:3 - Yes, he humbled you, by letting you go hungry and then feeding you with manna, a food previously unkown to you and your ancestors. He did it to teach you, that people do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD."

We need to be spend time in the Word of God in order to nourish our souls. God wants to feed your soul. If you believe Jesus came and gave up his life as a sacrifice for your sins, and decide that you really want to turn to God rather than those things our sinful desires lead us toward for satisfaction; the Holy Spirit can use God's word to remind us of the truth! We need to be inputting truth, if we want our thoughts to align with the truth!

Matthew 17: 20-21 NLT - "You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."

This is part of a story where the disciples try to cast out a demon, and fail. They ask Jesus why they couldn't do it, and this is what he says. It is hard to have faith in someone if you don't trust them, and it's hard to trust someone if you don't know them. It's hard to know someone unless you spend time getting to know them. Facebook helps us to know what people are like by the things that they post, like, follow, share, and the things that they are tagged in, posted about them, etc. The Bible is Jesus Facebook Page!!!! It tells us all about him. The Old Testament is full of "posts" about "the coming messiah" (messiah, meaning savior) who is Jesus! The New Testament even has "posts" of stories Jesus told, things he said, and things he did! How much more we can know him when we "creep his facebook!" That combined with spending time praying, and listening to the Holy Spirit whom he sends us when we decide to give our lives over to him, then we can really have faith in who he is, and what he's like!

Friday, February 28, 2014

Jr youth is on!

That is all! See you later!

Junior Youth February 28!

Hey guys! Bible Study is scheduled for tonight! I'm keeping an eye on te weather though, it's not looking like it'll be very awesome tonight. I WILL update here, and on Facebook if we need to cancel youth for tonight. Check back around 5:45!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Senior Youth Schedule Update!

February 14 (Friday) - Worship Night (Church Sanctuary @ 7:30) For ALL AGES!

February 19 - Bowling and DQ (Bring $5 for bowling and some $$ for DQ afterward - Meeting at church at 7 or the bowling alley in winkler at 7:30)

February 26 - No Youth - FREE Youth Leader and Parents Training evening @ Northlands Parkway Collegiate from 7-9pm (Coffee and Snacks provided) Internationally renowned speaker and author Marv Penner will be talking about how to help kids who are hurting. ALL PARENTS are invited to attend!

March 2 (Sunday) - Spaghetti Fundraising Lunch (Message or Email Cassie: if you want to know what you can help with!)

March 5 - Bible Study

March 12 - The River (Worship event @ Winkler Bergthaler)

March 16 (Sunday) - Youth Church Service @ BMC @ 10:30am

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What's up this week at BMC?

Senior Youth:
Wednesday, February 12: Bible Study: What are you afraid of???

Senior and Junior Youth!
Friday, February 14th: Worship night in the Church Sanctuary! People of all ages welcome!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This week at Senior Youth!

This week at Senior youth! Guys and Girls are doing separate things!

Guys, we'll meet in the Church Kitchen and we're making Pita Pizzas! So bring your favorite pizza toppings! I'll be doing a short Devo, and we'll be watching some Duck Dynasty!

Girls, I believe you are meeting at 7 at the Youth Center, and I'm not entirely sure what your plan is! Cassie Giesbrecht might be able to give you details? I heard a rumor about possibly going to Clay Owl in Winkler to paint pottery (bring $$), and if that's not happening, I believe you're doing a Movie Night in the Youth Center. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Have a sweet Tuesday!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Siloam Mission Permission Form!

Print this out and get it filled out if you are going to Siloam Mission. You CANNOT go if you do not have one signed!!!

Email, or, if this link does not work for you, and we will send you the form!

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Hey BMC Youth and Junior Youth! Cassie  gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy on Wednesday January 22! Which is why we weren't at Senior Youth! So I wanted to let you know that we are all doing well. We named him Judah Owen, and are excited for you all to meet him! I can't say whether we will all be at youth on Wednesday night! But I will be! 

So the next few weeks!

Senior Youth:
January 29: Bible Study
February 5: Guys/Girls separate night
February 12: Bowling in Winkler (Bring money for bowling and DQ after! Meet at church at 6:45. Leave at 7!)

Junior Youth:
January 31: Siloam Mission (Max 10 ppl)
February 7: Church Retreat (No Youth)

February 14: Junior and Senior worship night in the church! More details to come!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15th YOUTH is CANCELLED for tonight!!

Hey guys, due to the blizzard warning we will have our Bible Study and Kendra's sharing next week instead! Enjoy your evening and stay safe!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Winter Kickoff!!!

Junior and Senior Youthers! We meet tomorrow at 7:30 in the Church Basement!!! We will be having a Gamestravaganza!!!! New word I just made up! Yes! See you then!!!